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Bad Born Blood
All this is for the Empire. Luca had never once questioned his dream of joining Accretia’s Imperial Guard. Not until he met Ilay, that is. The most unexpected of friends, Ilay’s personality and family background are nothing like Luca’s. However, it is through their differences that the two friends will begin to shape not only each other, but even the very planet on which they live.
421,452 72,871 StarScore 9.72 RATE
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1 BGM
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
All this is for the Empire. Luca had never once questioned his dream of joining Accretia’s Imperial Guard. Not until he met Ilay, that is. The most unexpected of friends, Ilay’s personality and family background are nothing like Luca’s. However, it is through their differences that the two friends will begin to shape not only each other, but even the very planet on which they live.
Writing novels is how I get by. I always aim to write an entertaining piece.