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Blade of the Phantom Master
Long ago, there were royal inspectors in a country called Jyushin. They disguised themselves as shabby travelers and passed through towns, big and small. The duty of these inspectors was to find corrupt officials and punish them. But Jyushin has fallen. The world is corrupt, and no one answers the cry for help from the suffering people anymore. However, one royal inspector remains, roaming the lands...
2M 60,016 StarScore 8.57 RATE
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 0 - Prologue
Long ago, there were royal inspectors in a country called Jyushin. They disguised themselves as shabby travelers and passed through towns, big and small. The duty of these inspectors was to find corrupt officials and punish them. But Jyushin has fallen. The world is corrupt, and no one answers the cry for help from the suffering people anymore. However, one royal inspector remains, roaming the lands...
Hello, I am Inwan Youn, creator of "Island" and "Distant Sky." Hope you enjoy reading the series.
Hello, I am cartoonist Kyungil Yang. Look forward to your support for the series.