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Cloud Walker
Arais: demons that prey on weak-minded humans, plunging their victims into despair and taking control. A selected few of humans who possess supernatural abilities, under the organization of Cloud Walker, are the only ones who can deal with them. Through an unfortunate encounter with an Arai, Kai Wattana is forced to make a deal with one of these demon himself... or is it the other way around?
10.3M 281,467 StarScore 9.34 RATE
[S2] Ep. 120 - The Start of a Slippery Slope (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 119 - The Start of a Slippery Slope (Part 2)
[S2] Ep. 118 - The Start of a Slippery Slope (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 117 - The Cracks in the Snow (Part 5)
[S2] Ep. 116 - The Cracks in the Snow (Part 4)
[S2] Ep. 115 - The Cracks in the Snow (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 114 - The Cracks in the Snow (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 113 - The Cracks in the Snow (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 112 - 1V1 (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 111 - 1V1 (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 110 - Interrogation
(S2) Ep. 109 - Earl Grey Branch
(S2) Ep. 108 - Snow Rabbit
(S2) Ep. 107 - When the Storm Passes (Part 3) (Mid-season Finale)
(S2) Ep. 106 - When the Storm Passes (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 105 - When the Storm Passes (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 104 - The Storm Surges (Part 4)
(S2) Ep. 103 - The Storm Surges (Part 3) BGM
(S2) Ep. 102 - The Storm Surges (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 101 - The Storm Surges (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 100 - The Eye of the Storm (Part 3)
(S2) Ep. 99 - The Eye of the Storm (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 98 - The Eye of the Storm (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 97 - Weathering the Storm (Part 4)
(S2) Ep. 96 - Weathering the Storm (Part 3)
(S2) Ep. 95 - Weathering the Storm (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 94 - Weathering the Storm (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 93 - The Calm Before the Storm (Part 3)
(S2) Ep. 92 - The Calm Before the Storm (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 91 - The Calm Before the Storm (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 90 - Safeguarded Truth (Part 4)
[S2] Ep. 89 - Safeguarded Truth (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 88 - Safeguarded Truth (Part 2)
[S2] Ep. 87 - Safeguarded Truth (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 86 - The One Who Runs (Part 4)
[S2] Ep. 85 - The One Who Runs (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 84 - The One Who Runs (Part 2)
[S2] Ep. 83 - The One Who Runs (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 82 - Crashing Waves (Part 4)
[S2] Ep. 81 - Crashing Waves (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 80 - Crashing Waves (Part 2)
[S2] Ep. 79 - Crashing Waves (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 78 - The Rogue One (Part 3)
[S2] Ep. 77 - The Rogue One (Part 2)
[S2] Ep. 76 - The Rogue One (Part 1)
[S2] Ep. 75 - Evoker
(S2) Ep. 74 - Old Friend (Part 2)
(S2) Ep. 73 - Old Friend (Part 1)
(S2) Ep. 72 - Mali Branch
(S2) Ep. 71 - Transit (Season 2 Premiere)
Ep. 70 - Verdict (Season 1 Finale)
Ep. 69 - Round Table (Part 2)
Ep. 68 - Round Table (Part 1)
Ep. 67 - Truth
Ep. 66 - Divided
Ep. 65 - DR1315 (Part 6)
Ep. 64 - DR1315 (Part 5) BGM
Ep. 63 - DR1315 (Part 4)
Ep. 62 - DR1315 (Part 3)
Ep. 61 - DR1315 (Part 2)
Ep. 60 - DR1315 (Part 1)
Ep. 59 - His Friend
Ep. 58 - His Dream
Ep. 57 - Guilty
Ep. 56 - Memories
Ep. 55 - The Doctor
Ep. 54 - Wake Up
Ep. 53 - The Coward
Ep. 52 - A Soldier's Duty
Ep. 51 - Heat Haze (Part 16)
Ep. 50 - Heat Haze (Part 15)
Ep. 49 - Heat Haze (Part 14)
Ep. 48 - Heat Haze (Part 13)
Ep. 47 - Heat Haze (Part 12)
Ep. 46 - Heat Haze (Part 11)
Ep. 45 - Heat Haze (Part 10)
Ep. 44 - Heat Haze (Part 9)
Ep. 43 - Heat Haze (Part 8)
Ep. 42 - Heat Haze (Part 7)
Ep. 41 - Heat Haze (Part 6)
Ep. 40 - Heat Haze (Part 5)
Ep. 39 - Heat Haze (Part 4)
Ep. 38 - Heat Haze (Part 3)
Ep. 37 - Heat Haze (Part 2)
Ep. 36 - Heat Haze (Part 1)
Ep. 35 - Brothers
Ep. 34 - Parasitic Blood
Ep. 33 - Scars
Ep. 32 - Flesh Medium (Part 8)
Ep. 31 - Flesh Medium (Part 7)
Ep. 30 - Flesh Medium (Part 6)
Ep. 29 - Flesh Medium (Part 5)
Ep. 28 - Flesh Medium (Part 4)
Ep. 27 - Flesh Medium (Part 3)
Ep. 26 - Flesh Medium (Part 2)
Ep. 25 - Flesh Medium (Part 1)
Ep. 24 - Disagreement
Ep. 23 - Worry
Ep. 22 - Treatment
Ep. 21 - Deadly Gale (Part 6)
Ep. 20 - Deadly Gale (Part 5)
Ep. 19 - Deadly Gale (Part 4)
Ep. 18 - Deadly Gale (Part 3)
Ep. 17 - Deadly Gale (Part 2)
Ep. 16 - Deadly Gale (Part 1)
Ep. 15 - Black Blade
Ep. 14 - Predator (Part 5)
Ep. 13 - Predator (Part 4)
Ep. 12 - Predator (Part 3)
Ep. 11 - Predator (Part 2)
Ep. 10 - Predator (Part 1)
Ep. 9 - New Environment
Ep. 8 - Black Blood
Ep. 7 - Chamomile Branch
Ep. 6 - An Arai Within
Ep. 5 - Anomaly
Ep. 4 - Flying Fish (Part 3)
Ep. 3 - Flying Fish (Part 2)
Ep. 2 - Flying Fish (Part 1)
Ep. 1 - The Beginning
Arais: demons that prey on weak-minded humans, plunging their victims into despair and taking control. A selected few of humans who possess supernatural abilities, under the organization of Cloud Walker, are the only ones who can deal with them. Through an unfortunate encounter with an Arai, Kai Wattana is forced to make a deal with one of these demon himself... or is it the other way around?
Call me kari. Night owl non-binary artist that's into eel and lychee drinks.