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Katlaya Rising
In her forever-festering pit of a hometown, all that the 22-year old exterminator Katlaya wants is a monster-free future... with a hot wife! On this one night, Katlaya will fight through everything that gets in the way of her ideal future-- be it corrupting monster, corrupt officials, or even the town's cult god, Amihan.
806,412 61,321 StarScore 8.90 RATE
Ep. 22 - spoliarium; (Mid-season Finale)
Ep. 21 - the closet;
Ep. 20 - lovefool, reprise;
Ep. 19 - postparting;
Ep. 18 - mau proposes;
Ep. 17 - bloodlusting;
Ep. 16 - himig proposes;
Ep. 15 - talo ni himig (himig's loss)
Ep. 14 - talohimig (haze)
Ep. 13 - migraine;
Ep. 12 - the guilt trip;
Ep. 11 - fallgirl(s);
Ep. 10 - a will for a way;
Ep. 9 - isang proposes;
Ep. 8 - laya (abandon the self;)
Ep. 7 - lamentations;
Ep. 6 - good bindings to you;
Ep. 5 - sibol proposes;
Ep. 4 - the other women;
Ep. 3 - in bad faith;
Ep. 2 - lovefool;
Ep. 1 - she who slays monsters...
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
In her forever-festering pit of a hometown, all that the 22-year old exterminator Katlaya wants is a monster-free future... with a hot wife! On this one night, Katlaya will fight through everything that gets in the way of her ideal future-- be it corrupting monster, corrupt officials, or even the town's cult god, Amihan.
Full-time comic artist and lesbian (also full-time). Maria was born, raised, and will probably die in Manila, Philippines. Honestly, she’s just happy to be here.