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The One Who Parried Death
The Falcon, the Reindeer, the Wolf, and the Lion — the four heroes who challenged the Demon Lord have fallen one by one. But when one hero parries death itself, he is granted a second chance to change the outcome of the invasion, and protect the things that he once lost.
3.8M 135,415 StarScore 9.21 RATE
Ep. 37 - Only For A Moment UP
Ep. 36 - Keep Fighting
Ep. 35 - Again
Ep. 34 - Relieve The Pain
Ep. 33 - To Be Destroyed
Ep. 32 - A Fire That Burns Mana
Ep. 31 - Grace Star
Ep.30 - A Little Scolding
Ep. 29 - Those Who Face Their Fears
Ep. 28 - To Buy Time
Ep. 27 - Always There
Ep. 26 - Reason To Go On
Ep. 25 - Uninvited Guests
Ep. 24 - Destiny
Ep. 23 - A Monster
Ep.22 - What You've Done
Ep. 21 - A Game Of Chase
Ep.20 - Change
Ep.19 - The Nature Of Mana
Ep.18 - Hidden Potential
Ep.17 - Academy Headmaster
Ep.16 - Star Scholar
Ep.15 - If You Get Hit
Ep.14 - Academy of Mana
Ep.13 - The Four Heroes of Pandora
Ep.12 - Gifts
Ep.11 - A Proper Team
Ep.10 - My Sword
Ep.9 - To Do It Alone
Ep. 8 - The Sage Of The Summit
Ep. 7 - New Path
Ep. 6 - My Fate
Ep. 5 - Know Your Limits
Ep. 4 - Find the Strength
Ep. 3 - Not This Time
Ep. 2 - One Skill Will
Ep.1 - The End and the Beginning
The Falcon, the Reindeer, the Wolf, and the Lion — the four heroes who challenged the Demon Lord have fallen one by one. But when one hero parries death itself, he is granted a second chance to change the outcome of the invasion, and protect the things that he once lost.
Hello! I'm ShuaSharp or Shua. My specialization is actually in computer science but drawing comics has never left me ever since I was a child. I’m glad I was able to get this opportunity to share this art and story to all of you. I hope you’ll like it.