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When Jiyong Kim was a boy, his mother was murdered. The assailant was tried in the court of law but served a mere three and a half years because he “deeply regrets his actions.” 17 years later, Jiyong is a college student, studying to become a police officer. But on the weekends, Jiyong hunts down ex-convicts released by a justice system that has failed to protect the victims, taking justice into his own hands to make up for its shortcomings.
850,414 51,458 StarScore 9.20 RATE
Episode 10
Episode 9 BGM
Episode 8 BGM
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1 BGM
When Jiyong Kim was a boy, his mother was murdered. The assailant was tried in the court of law but served a mere three and a half years because he “deeply regrets his actions.” 17 years later, Jiyong is a college student, studying to become a police officer. But on the weekends, Jiyong hunts down ex-convicts released by a justice system that has failed to protect the victims, taking justice into his own hands to make up for its shortcomings.
I'm a cartoonist slightly sad about being born too early to space travel. I'm traveling around our planet instead. If you ever visit Seoul, hope we can have a cup of coffee together.