Drama Action
Astromon! is a dramatic action-packed series with a silly & often dark sense of humor about a young man who dreams of taking over the family Yakuza, but struggles with addiction to a street drug called Angel Death. He battles his addiction, family pressure, and agoraphobia, while monsters called Astromon devour humanity.
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Episode 10 - Volume 1 Finale!
likeit10 Jun 21, 2023#10 -
Episode 9 - The Big Bang!
likeit15 Jun 5, 2023#9 -
Episode 8 - Tell Me I'm Useful!
likeit15 May 29, 2023#8 -
Episode 7 - Dinner With Mom! Part 2
likeit18 May 22, 2023#7 -
Episode 6 - Dinner with Mom! Part 1
likeit21 May 15, 2023#6 -
Episode 5 - Death by a Waifu!
likeit30 May 10, 2023#5 -
Episode 4: Amatō Yakuza!
likeit31 May 2, 2023#4 -
Episode 3: Little Sister!
likeit31 Apr 24, 2023#3 -
Episode 2: Angel Death Waifu!
likeit35 Apr 18, 2023#2 -
Episode 1: The Prologue!
likeit58 Apr 18, 2023#1