Fantasy Drama
Avelayan is a world torn by strife, war, and various other atrocities. Our three heroes travel it doing their best to fix these wrongs and save their world from the overreaching power of ones like The Blackmantle, and other gods who see them as nothing but playthings. Based on a Pathfinder 1E homebrew campaign.
54 2 StarScore 10 RATE
likeit0 May 31, 2023#8 -
Down For Illness
likeit0 May 22, 2023#7 -
You Can't Just Ask That
likeit0 May 17, 2023#6 -
That's Illegal
likeit0 May 10, 2023#5 -
Fight Time
likeit1 May 3, 2023#4 -
That Time of Night
likeit0 Apr 26, 2023#3 -
Well that was unexpected
likeit0 Apr 19, 2023#2 -
And so it begins
likeit2 Apr 12, 2023#1