

ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! The comic will go on a hiatus, not sure how long! I will need to work on the script to make it better --I will be posting any possible concept art on Patreon frist and then some on socials. Thank you for the support here, the kind comments, and I will see you in the future when it gets back <3

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Top Comments
  • Kirby_lover :D

    TOPThem:maybe it’s at a junk yard The umbrella: AlL By My SelF~ *still in the backrooms*

  • EpicArtLoverNerd

    TOPTAKE UR TIME TO MAKE SOMETHING AWESOME!!! so excited for the future of this comic 🫶🫶🫶 loveing it soo much

  • Similar Sound

    TOPBonding time with Ceres what could possibly go wrong

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