Fantasy Action
In a bygone era, a tyrannical force known as the Solflarions held dominion, unleashing devastation upon the land. A relentless wave of Calamity threatens to engulf multiple realms, should this malevolent entity remain unchecked. Amidst the grim despair, a flicker of hope emerges: the birth of valiant Heroes destined to defy fate itself. Armed with unwavering resolve, they shall embark on a perilous quest to vanquish the encroaching darkness, safeguarding the worlds in their wake.
5,926 329 StarScore 8.85 RATE
S1 EP 3: New Day - (6)
likeit19 Oct 6, 2024#14 -
S1 EP 3: New Day - (5) Remake Anniversary
likeit21 Aug 17, 2024#13 -
S1 EP 3: New Day - (4) + PATREON & Short Anime
likeit24 Apr 8, 2024#12 -
S1 EP 3: New Day - (3) + Year of the Dragon
likeit28 Feb 12, 2024#11 -
Happy New Year!
likeit18 Dec 31, 2023#10 -
S1 EP 3: New Day - (2)
likeit27 Dec 4, 2023#9 -
likeit24 Oct 31, 2023#8 -
S1 EP 3: New Day - (1)
likeit33 Oct 3, 2023#7 -
Bonus Comic + Artworks
likeit26 Aug 27, 2023#6 -
S1 EP 2: Training - (2)
likeit35 Aug 17, 2023#5 -
S1 EP 2: Training - (1)
likeit34 Aug 17, 2023#4 -
S1 EP 1: Birthday - (2)
likeit34 Aug 17, 2023#3 -
S1 EP 1: Birthday - (1)
likeit47 Aug 17, 2023#2 -
Prologue (Updated)
likeit45 Aug 17, 2023#1