Action Drama
Kusaguma: The Stone Escapade
Kusaguma: The Stone Escapade arc is the first installment of the Kusaguma graphic novel series! Shuddering Stone Fragments? A scoundrel scientist? Endless action and sarcasm? Dive headfirst into the story of Kusaguma!
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Chapter 9: IT'S ALL FAKE!!
likeit8 May 7, 2024#9 -
Chapter 8: Director!
likeit10 Mar 10, 2024#8 -
Chapter 7: You Are Already Ruined.
likeit11 Feb 7, 2024#7 -
Chapter 6: That Same Stupid Dream...
likeit13 Sep 19, 2023#6 -
Chapter 5: Boss!
likeit14 Jun 16, 2023#5 -
Chapter 4: I'll Kill Him.
likeit15 May 14, 2023#4 -
Chapter 3: Tweety
likeit14 Apr 14, 2023#3 -
Chapter 2: Tea Time
likeit15 Mar 28, 2023#2 -
Chapter 1: Where Is The Stone!?
likeit22 Mar 16, 2023#1