Fantasy Drama
Not That Normal
In a distant future where humans no longer exist and the earth is inhabited by beings called "ikinakamees", the sustenance of all life is MAGIC. However, magic also brings disasters, and dangerous elemental beasts called akumons. One day an Ikinakamee finds someone who gives them a gem that destroys said beasts. Creating then a clan in which 20 generations later is Keyaii Kyow, heir to the Kuroshiro gem, who has the duty to maintain peace until one day...
1,376 84 StarScore 10 RATE
but fisrt
likeit5 Jun 29, 2024#11 -
to get all the gems
likeit5 Jun 23, 2024#10 -
Now we're headed
likeit5 Jun 22, 2024#9 -
but it was obvious from the beginning
likeit6 Jun 8, 2024#8 -
this would cause such a disaster
likeit6 Jun 1, 2024#7 -
We didn't know
likeit6 May 25, 2024#6 -
you havea team now.
likeit6 May 18, 2024#5 -
but as expected
likeit8 May 11, 2024#4 -
was quite a mess
likeit8 May 6, 2024#3 -
of your adventure
likeit9 May 5, 2024#2 -
The beginning
likeit10 May 4, 2024#1