Sci-fi Fantasy
In the distant future, an inter-dimensional storm "NTRA Dawn" swapped humans of our universe with that of a dark manifest of myths, legends, and folklore. Six months later, Mythoclast was founded. An organization allied with the Ab-humans to eradicate this evil and prevent the return of NTRA Dawn. It's Future v.s. Fantasy....who will come out on top.
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Chapter 11: Catastrium
likeit3 Feb 9, 2024#12 -
Chapter 10: Gutterland
likeit4 Oct 23, 2023#11 -
Chapter 9: Burning and Damnation
likeit3 Feb 16, 2023#10 -
Chapter 8: The Turning Point: face the truth
likeit2 Mar 31, 2022#9 -
Chapter 7: Apprehention; A Deep Seated Revenge
likeit3 Dec 31, 2021#8 -
Chapter 6: Aftermath
likeit5 Oct 23, 2021#7 -
Chapter 5: Serpents Prey
likeit4 Aug 27, 2021#6 -
Chapter 4: Heat of the Moment
likeit3 May 18, 2021#5 -
Chapter 3: Unearthed Armageddon
likeit4 Aug 26, 2020#4 -
Chapter 2: Birth of Catastrophe
likeit6 Jul 30, 2020#3 -
Chapter 1: Condolence
likeit7 Jul 16, 2020#2 -
Chapter 0: Pre-Havoc
likeit5 Jul 8, 2020#1