

THANK YOU SO MUCH PEDRO VELARDE FOR SUPPORTING THIS WEBTOON AT PATREON ^_^ And thank you for the wait guys!! here's your new episode and enjoy reading! If you love my work, and have the financial means, consider supporting me on Patreon! If you love my work, but don't have the financial means, subscribe me at teehee ^_^

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Top Comments
  • xxpandanaxx

    TOPwell boi you was stupid enough to not look both ways before crossing the street

  • Amira Hex Loneflame

    TOPthis dude is a butt but a reformed butt!

  • sethan

    TOPlol btw i bet maya isnt dead but like the friend i used to have where for some reason died from a heart attack yet i could see him from time to time in my house id say hi and stuff (im pretty laid back) then a year later i found him by a dumbster with rope burns on him and called the police aparentlly he was kidnapped and forcibly put under a drug to make it look like he died

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