Fantasy Action
“In order to create beauty, the world must experience destruction.” Amasis Senebkay, a god-killing, ex-Zodiac member, must embark on an adventure with two demigods to save their families. In order to save their families, they fight numerous characters and members of the Zodiac and get caught into their plan. Will the three be enough to put an end to the Zodiac and save their families?
465 9 StarScore 8.00 RATE
Ep 09 - The Battle for Survival
likeit2 Mar 22, 2021#9 -
Ep 08 - The Revelation
likeit3 Mar 15, 2021#8 -
Ep 07 - The Fallen
likeit3 Mar 8, 2021#7 -
Ep 06 - The Encounter
likeit3 Mar 1, 2021#6 -
Ep 05 - The Fight
likeit3 Feb 22, 2021#5 -
Ep 04 - The Journey
likeit3 Feb 8, 2021#4 -
Ep. 03 The Lesson
likeit4 Feb 1, 2021#3 -
Ep 02 - The Resurgence
likeit4 Jan 25, 2021#2 -
Ep. 01 - The Divine Link
likeit3 Jan 18, 2021#1