Action Supernatural
Patchface is a series following the story of both Cassius, also known as "The Hollow One" and Annabeth Mason as they fight off threats called "Hellstalkers" and others who disrupt the peace of the world using their magic abilities.
717 21 StarScore 10 RATE
>NOTEPATCHFACE is on hiatus. Hang tight!
Patchface Extra! (+Status Update)
likeit0 Jul 17, 2024#9 -
Chapter 7: Feast or Fight
likeit3 Jun 14, 2024#8 -
Chapter 6: First Mission
likeit3 May 31, 2024#7 -
Chapter 5: First Base
likeit3 May 24, 2024#6 -
Chapter 4: Boom
likeit3 May 17, 2024#5 -
Chapter 3: Where do you want me to sign?
likeit3 May 10, 2024#4 -
Chapter 2: Purpose in a Void
likeit3 May 3, 2024#3 -
Chapter 1: Life without Purpose
likeit4 Apr 26, 2024#2 -
Chapter 0: PATCHFACE (OneShot)
likeit6 Oct 31, 2023#1