Action Superhero
Phoenix Embers
in a world shrouded in the aftermath of a devastating war. Jeriah, the central character, emerges as the story's beacon of hope and strength. The tale begins with a tragedy, as Jeriah's mother sacrifices herself during the war, ensuring her son's safety. She seals away his powers to protect him from the prying eyes of enemies. Rescued by his father, Jake, the duo becomes the last remnants of the supposedly extinct Ash Clan, powered by a mystical phoenix.
13,996 872 StarScore 9.94 RATE
likeit4 Dec 17, 2024#14 -
Cave of the Ash clan
likeit3 Dec 17, 2024#13 -
Fire Shots
likeit101 May 3, 2024#12 -
Fire Power
likeit146 Apr 3, 2024#11 -
Let The Training Began
likeit171 Mar 15, 2024#10 -
Awaken Flames
likeit193 Mar 2, 2024#9 -
The Phoenix
likeit270 Feb 15, 2024#8 -
Ash to Ashes
likeit376 Feb 2, 2024#7 -
Run for your life: Jeriah VS Manticore
likeit408 Jan 10, 2024#6 -
A True Freak
likeit459 Jan 2, 2024#5 -
likeit477 Dec 15, 2023#4 -
likeit473 Dec 2, 2023#3 -
The Dawn
likeit503 Nov 20, 2023#2 -
The Fall
likeit498 Nov 20, 2023#1