Fantasy Comedy
1KPokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Rangers by DO9Bessa
"Welcome!----- This is the Portal that leads to the world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Rangers----- Are you ready?"----- After waking up in the middle of a forest by a mysterious voice, Froakie, the Human turned Pokemon and protagonist of this story, meets a very hyperactive white bunny, Scorbunny. The two quickly develop a friendship and become determined to help one another. (2020 - ongoing) Inspired in shonen like storytelling and mangas and various PMD content
28,207 1,685 StarScore 9.59 RATE
PMD RR - Ch 8 - Friends and Foes
likeit72 Jan 30, 2024#8 -
PMD RR - Ch 7 - Face the Danger! Become a Ranger!
likeit108 May 27, 2023#7 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 6 - The Meeting
likeit126 Jan 23, 2023#6 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 5 - The Sun Gate
likeit197 Mar 16, 2022#5 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 4 - Waterfalls
likeit199 Dec 15, 2021#4 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 3 - Human
likeit276 Jun 24, 2021#3 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 2 - Merryhill Town
likeit308 Apr 13, 2021#2 -
PMD Rescue Rangers - Chapter 1 - Waking Up
likeit413 May 13, 2020#1