

free therapist coming back at ya

Top Comments
  • #DownRightDead

    TOPSomehow, i'm not dead

  • 🌙🌸emma-nova🍓

    TOPDoes anyone feel aimless in life ?? I know this is deep but when I was younger I used to love science but now I don't feel that passion in me...... I was a very good student then but now I'm slowly falling behind..... all my friends have an aim to achieve whereas all I want to do is eat, sleep, binge, repeat 😕😕 I know very well that I'm wasting my time but I'm not able to change myself...... also I've started seeing some ADHD like symptoms in me but I'm scared to tell......

  • stop im not a Masoch

    TOPI had an asthma attack at school during a real fire drill. I'm still alive but I'm going though a few mental and physical problems at the moment. And my pet snake died during birth which caused a lot of birth defects to most of the babies, about 7 of them died and the rest are still struggling to stay alive. But apart from that life has been great. thanks for this I really needed it❤

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