Sci-fi Fantasy
Satoshi Universe Comics
In a dystopian 21st-century world dominated by corporate giants and an ailing financial system, Satoshi Nakamoto pioneers Bitcoin, driven by a belief in decentralization. As he battles threats and inner demons, "Cryptocurrency Chronicles" explores the birth of a financial revolution, where trust in institutions crumbles, and a new world order hangs in the balance.
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REVELATIONS AND REVOLUTIONS: S. 4, Vol. 10, Satoshi Universe
likeit0 Jul 9, 2024#8 -
HORIZONS BEYOUD: S. 3, Vol. 10, Satoshi Universe
likeit0 Jul 2, 2024#7 -
UNITY IN THE NEON ABYSS: S. 2, Vol. 10, Satoshi Universe
likeit0 Jun 25, 2024#6 -
UNCERTAIN HORIZONTS: S. 1, Vol. 10, Satoshi Universe
likeit1 Jun 18, 2024#5 -
GENESIS UNLOCKED: S. 4, Vol. 9, Satoshi Universe
likeit1 Jun 11, 2024#4 -
THE PENULTIMATE KEY: S.3, Vol. 9, Satoshi Universe
likeit1 Jun 4, 2024#3 -
THE GENESIS GAMBIT: S. 2, Vol. 9, Satoshi Universe
likeit1 May 27, 2024#2 -
SATOSHI'S QUEST: S. 1, Vol. 9, Satoshi Universe
likeit0 May 21, 2024#1