Action Fantasy
The story follows Qinn, a Praedator who recently got his hunting license. Praedators are hunters tasked with the job to hunt down underground dwellers called Subterraneas who threatens the existence of humanity. But as he goes on his missions as a newly licensed Praedator he soon learns the harsh truth about the world...
2,868 145 StarScore 9.48 RATE
Hunt 15: The Meaning of Strength
likeit10 Jun 29, 2022#15 -
Hunt 14: It Hurts...
likeit11 May 7, 2022#14 -
Hunt 13: Light
likeit15 Mar 27, 2022#13 -
Hunt 12: Darkness
likeit18 Feb 13, 2022#12 -
Hunt 11: Melancholia of Youth
likeit15 Jan 20, 2022#11 -
Hunt 10: Soul Shard
likeit15 Dec 12, 2021#10 -
Hunt 9: Conductor
likeit20 Nov 14, 2021#9 -
Hunt 8: The Strongest
likeit18 Oct 23, 2021#8 -
Hunt 7: Divide and Conquer
likeit20 Sep 18, 2021#7 -
Hunt 6: The Third Night
likeit22 Aug 14, 2021#6 -
Hunt 5: Heltics' Fork
likeit24 May 7, 2021#5 -
Hunt 4: Quadriga
likeit27 Apr 5, 2021#4 -
Hunt 3: Failure of a Success
likeit26 Mar 7, 2021#3 -
Hunt 2: Prelude to the End (Part 2)
likeit36 Jan 21, 2021#2 -
Hunt 1: Prelude to the End (Part 1)
likeit60 Dec 23, 2020#1