

Get that Malik loooore~ Super excited about this chapter and the ones that follow! Hehe~ Got this one done faster because no backgrounds ;-;

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Top Comments
  • Homi1

    TOPPoor Malik, he deserves better

  • Ërrør_

    TOPMALIK MY BOY 😭😭😭 PLEASE be kind to him! Let them hear him out instead of calling him a literal *demon*… I don’t think he’ll take it well if they do… Edit: OH SHIT ONE OF THEM HAS A GUN (PLEASE JUST BE A TRANQUILIZER)

  • UAVwaff

    TOPIS THAT MALIK ON THE COVER! (haven't read it yet) EDIT: nooo my poor boy. hopefully he teleports out of there before they can do anything to him 😭😭😭

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