Action Comedy
Taco Shell
This is a series following the adventures of Dave and his friends in their quest to fight villains and protect the world. It sounds cliché and unoriginal however the series is self aware and makes fun of tropes.
196 5 StarScore 8.00 RATE
Taco Shell Chapter 9: Flamey Dude vs The Mysterious Foe P1
likeit0 Sep 24, 2019#9 -
Taco Shell Chapter 8: The Archeologist
likeit0 Aug 15, 2019#8 -
Taco Shell Chapter 7: Barry
likeit1 Jun 24, 2019#7 -
Taco Shell Chapter 6: Taco Origins
likeit1 Jun 13, 2019#6 -
Taco Shell Chapter 5: Sibling's Quarrel
likeit1 Jun 1, 2019#5 -
Taco Shell Chapter 4: Intruders
likeit1 May 11, 2019#4 -
Taco Shell Chapter 3: What's going on here?
likeit1 May 4, 2019#3 -
Taco Shell Chapter 2: Tacos?
likeit1 Apr 9, 2019#2 -
Taco Shell Chapter 1: Beginning
likeit1 Mar 24, 2019#1