

Happy Halloween! I worked really hard to make sure that the costume reveals came out on Halloween (or a day earlier for Prettiest-er Platypus patrons)! I really hope y'all like the costumes <3

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Top Comments
  • Stella🏳️‍⚧️

    TOPBeverly face is just like the only thing going on in her head is: Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl.

  • SophieAdams_

    TOPBeverly is LOOKING, respectfully

  • jerriwrites

    TOPSo I was waiting for Rem to show up again to put a friendly reminder that yes, he’s acting like a jerk. Yes, he’s projecting on Lillie. But he’s also dealing with his own unresolved issues with his sister. He likely didn’t receive any support for his feelings

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