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Nothing like a child that needs you to get your horribly sad and depressed butt out of bed. Seriously though, children do as much for the parent as the parent does for their children. They make us rise up to challenges we wouldn't otherwise tackle. Also in case you need a reminder: Jerin is Link's brother-in-law who married his sister, Aryll.
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TOPYou have to keep going even when it gets tough. I totally understand that. Also welcome back!! I’m glad you are okay! Edit: Holy goddesses of the Triforce!!! I’ve never gotten top comment before!!! Thank you all so much!!!
TOPI'm glad you're doing great and take your time on this amazing series
TOPwow this was worth the wait! thanks for continuing! (omg I know this is annoying) but I've never gotten top comment before!! thank you so much!!