Superhero Action
In the neon-lit mega city of Arcane, a new team of heroes called Zyver rises. These young defenders can transform into powerful avatars, each with unique abilities. They face an ancient darkness called the Void threatening their city and uncover hidden truths about Arcane's past and their own powers. Blending anime aesthetics with superhero action, the Zyver must navigate dangerous alliances and battle the encroaching Void to save their city and shape their destinies.
3,880 122 StarScore 9.44 RATE
>NOTEZYVER is on hiatus. Hang tight!
Ch 2 - End: Dangerous Visitors
likeit7 Nov 2, 2024#30 -
Ch 2 - Pt 10: Team Tensions
likeit8 Oct 26, 2024#29 -
Ch 2 - Pt 9: The Void Stone
likeit8 Oct 19, 2024#28 -
Ch 2 - Pt 8: You are ZYVER!
likeit10 Oct 12, 2024#27 -
Ch 2 - Pt 8: A Family Feud
likeit9 Oct 5, 2024#26 -
Ch 2 - Pt 7: The ZYVER Headquarters
likeit10 Sep 28, 2024#25 -
Ch 2 - Pt 6: A Bad Deal
likeit11 Sep 21, 2024#24 -
Ch 2 - Pt 5: The Client
likeit11 Sep 14, 2024#23 -
Ch 2 - Pt 4: Training Day
likeit11 Sep 7, 2024#22 -
Ch 2 - Pt 3: Transform Red Zyver!
likeit12 Aug 31, 2024#21 -
Ch 2 - Pt 2: No Chance Of Winning
likeit12 Aug 21, 2024#20 -
Ch 2 - Pt 1: Two Warriors
likeit12 Aug 14, 2024#19 -
ZYVER Ch 2 - The Story So Far
likeit12 Aug 12, 2024#18 -
Ch 1 - End: A New Threat
likeit16 Oct 7, 2023#17 -
Ch 1 - Pt 15: Till Next Time ZYVER
likeit17 Sep 30, 2023#16 -
Ch 1 - Pt 14: Escape Plan
likeit15 Sep 23, 2023#15 -
Ch 1 - Pt 13: The Shootout
likeit17 Sep 16, 2023#14 -
Ch 1 - Pt 12: Let's Rock!
likeit18 Sep 9, 2023#13 -
Ch 1 - Pt 11: ZYVER Assemble!
likeit19 Sep 2, 2023#12 -
Ch 1 - Pt 10: Eve
likeit22 Aug 26, 2023#11 -
Ch 1 - Pt 9: Against the Wall
likeit19 Aug 19, 2023#10 -
Ch 1 - Pt 8: The Art of Battle
likeit20 Aug 12, 2023#9 -
Ch 1 - Pt 7: The Lone Zyver
likeit19 Aug 9, 2023#8 -
Ch 1 - Pt 6: Party Crasher
likeit22 Aug 5, 2023#7 -
Ch 1 - Pt 5: The Black Scarab Clan
likeit24 Aug 2, 2023#6 -
Ch 1 - Pt 4: Asher
likeit23 Jul 26, 2023#5 -
Ch 1 - Pt 3: Lady Scarr
likeit26 Jul 22, 2023#4 -
Ch 1 - Pt 2: Enter the ZYVER
likeit27 Jul 19, 2023#3 -
Ch 1 - Pt 1: Welcome to Arcane
likeit28 Jul 16, 2023#2 -
ZYVER Ch 1 - Cover
likeit23 Jul 15, 2023#1