
Boss Arts

I've been waiting so long to finally reveal all this. now you know what happened between them in the forest.

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Top Comments
  • ButterflyRainbows

    TOPPoor baby. Survivor guilt is the worst but someone needs to tell him that his sister wouldn't want him to be sad. That he should get back at their father by being the best and happiest person he can be.

  • TOPOhh 😭😭I’m so sad for Mira!!! Tarrek’s reaction is so realistic 😳when he said Mira didn’t get that chance 💔💔💔(I don’t agree with him regretting not having killed his father,,but I can totally understand why he HATE that man now. 😡😡😡 I’m sure I would have runaway as well 🤔🤔

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