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Top Comments
  • Alva Veleda

    TOPTHANK YOU FOR THIS. I am a mental health counselor & I try to explain this concept to people constantly, that Dysphoria is a symptom & the best way to alleviate the symptom is with support & validation!! I used to engage in internet arguments when people would say “tHeY’rE mEnTaLlY iLl” by trying to explain this, but the people who don’t want to learn just refuse to hear it or believe it. The last panel is spot on, big oof.

  • Ghost_Writer143

    TOPHonestly tho, if being LGBQT is an illness then SEE YA I AINT GOING TO SCHOOL BC IM SICK

  • GCF.

    TOPI've never denied anyone of their transness, (I too am trans) but I didn't know you could be trans without gender dysphoria. have we any trans without dysphoria or someone who knows what they're on about explain this so I can understand a little better?

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