

What am I? Can I condemn this man to slavery...

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Top Comments
  • Sara Figueiredo

    TOPIt's not a real privilege if it doesn't help me win at Mario kart.... I want that in a t-shirt

  • reaper ren ❌

    TOPAh yes, the true meaning of gender identity: how helpful it is to Mario Kart skillset.

  • Nemesis Adraste

    TOPYou know it is funny how we label "anormal" things faster then "normal things. the word Transgender was create many years before the Word Cisgender. Same thing for Homesexuality and Hétérosexuality... and knowing that the brain need to label concepts to better understand the world... maybe thats why Hétéro and Cisgender seems to be "Normal" with no need to explain it when in fact, it's probably what we understand the less cause we never actually think about studying it...

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