
Comfort and Adam

Thanks for the reason season 01 guys. It's flawed, but we're still so proud of it. Onto season 02, which at the time of writing this, may be the best writing we've ever done. And as always, for those who'd like it, here's today's Spotify Soundtrack:

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Top Comments
  • SwarmOfWorms

    TOPguys we made it . . . episode 69 . . . nice (I am an actual child)

  • Ayric “Ayrflo” Thomas

    TOPThis was a great cap to season 1, and the art at the end was an awesome touch! Very excited for season 2! Edit 9/11/20: Wow, another top comment for moi? you shouldn't have, thanks! Please be sweet, and support the creators with a like on the chapter.

  • OceanPhoenix

    TOPHow did you guys meet? And how did you get your art styles to match up so well? I’ve been following you guys since about mid-way through Rainbow In The Dark, and I’m sure you must have answered this already but I don’t remember and I think all the new readers would love to hear it for the first time! Love The Uniques so much!

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