
Comfort and Adam

Slowly but surely we are building the story for season 02. Next week though, we'll be back to the main cast with Scout and Kid Quick! If you want to listen to this week's Spotify Soundtrack here's the link:

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Top Comments
  • RedBloodTea

    TOPOne of the things I love about your characters and villains especially is part of what made Black Panther by Marvel so good. They have actual reasons for doing what they're doing. The bad guys can be right, the good guys can be wrong. There's all these magnificent shades of gray that make it much more life like that I really enjoy. Another great chapter, you can feel Break's anger and Rilla's acceptance, but they booth feel very real, it's amazing!

  • Toxius

    TOPwhile the man has an understandable, even respectable philosophy for human dignity and respecting one another... I feel lighting 'sploding peoples heads is 1 gonna make some enemies and 2 isn't really what you should be going for at the end of that lesson.

  • TOPI really like how you portray your villains! Their much more dynamic than simply bad guys being bad just because, tho you still have those with the twins and 8-ball plus the witches from last season! But seeing how characters like Walker and Oxford have real motivations behind their actions is extremely fascinating and makes me both root for them and want them to be stoped at the same time 😂 It’s also really interesting because it continues to show the thin line between being a hero vs villain

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