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Behind the GIFs
While exploring the dusty catacombs of a Pharaoh's tomb, intrepid explorers AC Stuart and Kat Swenski discovered an ancient relic that imbued them with the power to see the story behind any animated GIF. In a separate incident, they were bitten by a radioactive cartoonist. They now use their combined powers to explore the truth Behind the GIF.
119.7M 334,808 StarScore 9.49 RATE
The End - Andy/Kat (Final Episode)
Forward - AC Stuart
Nobody Wins - Kat Swenski
When Everyone Is Wrong - Kat Swenski
T Minus - AC Stuart
Plans - AC Stuart
No Matter the Cost - Kat Swenski
No Matter The Reason - Kat Swenski
Turtle Thoughts - AC Stuart
Contender - AC Stuart
Won't Matter in the End - Kat Swenski
Who Wins and Who Loses - Kat Swenski
Dope - AC Stuart
Backups - AC Stuart
This War Without End - Kat Swenski
We Just Keep Fighting - Kat Swenski
Lil Wiz - AC Stuart
Training - AC Stuart
Neither Is Refusal - Kat Swenski
Peace Is Not An Option - Kat Swenski
The Boot - AC Stuart
Skiky - AC Stuart
You've Got a Job to Do - Kat Swenski
Wake Up Soldiers - Kat Swenski
The Field - AC Stuart
Peace - AC Stuart
Of The War - Kat Swenski
The Beginning - Kat Swenski
Belonging - AC Stuart
Emnity - AC Stuart
Lost Forever - Kat Swenski
Engine Monitor - Kat Swenski
Entry - AC Stuart
Serious - AC Stuart
Steakhouse - Kat Swenski
Spread Your Fins - Kat Swenski
Legends - AC Stuart
Catcher - AC Stuart
Groundling - Kat Swenski
Zip It - Kat Swenski
Costumes - AC Stuart
Dogpuncher - AC Stuart
Lettuce Try - Kat Swenski
Robo-Mom 2 - Kat Swenski
Strike Pt. 2 - AC Stuart
Strike - AC Stuart
Waiting Up For Santa - Kat Swenski
Reindeer Games - Kat Swenski
Spud- AC Stuart
Pain Train - AC Stuart
Homosapienphobia - Kat Swenski
Arachne Va The Champion - Kat Swenski
Boundless Love - AC Stuart
Human - AC Stuart
Ladies - Kat Swenski
Unca Draggo - Kat Swenski
Outside - AC Stuart
Patience - Kat Swenski
Deer Store - Kat Swenski
Not Today - AC Stuart
Little Janitor - Kat Swenski
Questionable Ethics - Kat Swenski
Exercise - AC Stuart
Go Back - AC Stuart
Cat Lessons - Kat Swenski
Fish Tax - Kat Swenski
Your Dead - AC Stuart
The Price - AC Stuart
Neurie the Neuron - Kat Swenski
More Corn - Kat Swenski
Entertainment - AC Stuart
Growlgrowl - AC Stuart
Wonkazonka - Kat Swenski
Cone Problems - Kat Swenski
Race - AC Stuart
Lift - AC Stuart
Ghost Pranks 3 - Kat Swenski
Upstaged - Kat Swenski
Strongest - AC Stuart
Missing - AC Stuart
Lizard Man - Kat Swenski
Only Toliet - Kat Swenski
Dinner Party - AC Stuart
Hello - AC Stuart
Chocolate Lab - Kat Swenski
Playing Favorites - Kat Swenski
Robo - AC Stuart
Cloud Potato - AC Stuart
Too Different - Kat Swenski
Rain - Kat Swenski
Drastic Measure - AC Stuart
Lost Bait - Kat Swenski
Zoo Potluck - Kat Swenski
There is no ESCCCCC - AC Stuart & Kat Swenski
Research - AC Stuart
Welcome to 'C'-attle - Kat Swenski
Sadness Ball - Kat Swenski
Paw and Order - AC Stuart
Self-Reflection - AC Stuart
Whiz Dragon the C-Quel - Kat Swenski
Whiz Dragon - Kat Swenski
Gross - AC Stuart
Getcha - AC Stuart
Taco Night - Kat Swenski
Choosing Sides - Kat Swenski
PPFGT - AC Stuart
Catman - AC Stuart
Cheapo - Kat Swenski
The One Cake - Kat Swenski
The Test - AC Stuart
Wolves - AC Stuart
Klutz - Kat Swenski
Finger - Kat Swenski
The Goods 2 - AC Stuart
Plain - AC Stuart
Mira the Magnificent - Kat Swenski
Well Hidden - Kat Swenski
BFF - AC Stuart
Twinsies - AC Stuart
Pretendception - Kat Swenski
Gang Territory - Kat Swenski
Crazy Henry - AC Stuart
Stereotypes - AC Stuart
Exercise Buddies - Kat Swenski
Size Queen - Kat Swenski
Angry Puppy - AC Stuart
Pooching - AC Stuart
Chicken Man Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Chicken Man - Kat Swenski
Oh no - AC Stuart
The Hunter - AC Stuart
Online Agreement - Kat Swenski
Superior Organism - Kat Swenski
The Test - AC Stuart
Beepo - AC Stuart
Meeting Dad - Kat Swenski
Ultimate Ball Throw - Kat Swenski
Scary Pose - AC Stuart
Date Night - AC Stuart
Friendly Competition Part 3 - Kat Swenski
A Very Special Episode - Kat Swenski
Patch Notes - AC Stuart
Freedom Ride - AC Stuart
Friendly Competition Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Friendly Competition Part 1 - Kat Swenski
Tubby Joe - AC Stuart
The Mouse Defective - AC Stuart
Inner Beauty - Kat Swenski
She Really Can Pick Them - Kat Swenski
Dairydevil - AC Stuart
Feel Good Do Good - AC Stuart
Iguana Curse 2 - Kat Swenski
Oblivious - Kat Swenski
Miracle - AC Stuart
Pony Up - AC Stuart
Curse of the Sea Dogs Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Curse of the Sea Dogs Part 1 - Kat Swenski
A Sad Comic - AC Stuart
Yikes - AC Stuart
Prepackaged Meal - Kat Swenski
Not All It's Cracked Up To Be - Kat Swenski
Moves - AC Stuart
Pawyer - AC Stuart
What's in a Name? - Kat Swenski
Sup Dog - Kat Swenski
Insanity Princess - AC Stuart
Rebellion - AC Stuart
Copied Cat - Kat Swenski
Turtcules - Kat Swenski
Affection - AC Stuart
Permission - AC Stuart
Grampa Crawdad - Kat Swenski
Babyslither Part 3 - Kat Swenski
CazFri - AC Stuart
Tricks - AC Stuart
Babyslither Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Babyslither Part 1 - Kat Swenski
Food - AC Stuart
Just a Taste - AC Stuart
Stuck - Kat Swenski
Criminal In Training - Kat Swenski
Pupcorn - AC Stuart
Big Sad - AC Stuart
Suck your Best - Kat Swenski
Peanut - Kat Swenski
Cool Boss Chet - AC Stuart
Meowvatar - AC Stuart
She's Goin' For It - Kat Swenski
Flawless - Kat Swenski
Steps - AC Stuart
Bunny Test - Kat Swenski
Anything For You - Kat Swenski
The Goods - AC Stuart
Old Dog - AC Stuart
Club Doge - Kat Swenski
Eye'm Scared - Kat Swenski
An Appeal to Reason - AC Stuart
Rodeo - AC Stuart
Tea Dreams - Kat Swenski
Super Dead - Kat Swenski
OMW - AC Stuart
Blorp - AC Stuart
So Fake - Kat Swenski
Fairytail Pups - Kat Swenski
Different - AC Stuart
The Cord - AC Stuart
Frog King 2 Electric Boogaloo - Kat Swenski
Dieting - Kat Swenski
Smiling Jane - AC Stuart
Lag - AC Stuart
His Favorite - Kat Swenski
Yo Mama - Kat Swenski
Sales - AC Stuart
Babe - AC Stuart
Quality Father - Kat Swenski
Cat Wizard's Magic Plush - Kat Swenski
Whirlpool - AC Stuart
One Thing - AC Stuart
Mite Be Trapped - Kat Swenski
The Caballo Shall Fly-o - Kat Swenski
The Learned Scholar - AC Stuart
Pew - AC Stuart
Earth's Savior - Kat Swenski
King Dolphy - Kat Swenski
High Ground - AC Stuart
Literally - AC Stuart
Infested - Kat Swenski
Rabbababba - Kat Swenski
TB - AC Stuart
Fellas - AC Stuart
Let Me In - Kat Swenski
Cabbage - Kat Swenski
Ginger - AC Stuart
The Pit - AC Stuart
Some Penguins - Kat Swenski
Dunkaroo - Kat Swenski
Pact - AC Stuart
Hey - AC Stuart
Banan-Man - Kat Swenski
No Pouncing - Kat Swenski
Show Me - AC Stuart
Treasure - AC Stuart
Rufus the Cat - Kat Swenski
Whattup Robo-Pup - Kat Swenski
Walls - AC Stuart
Back To You - AC Stuart
Steadfast Resolution - Kat Swenski
New Years Wish - Kat Swenski
Behind the GIFTS 2 - AC Stuart
12 Days of GIFmas - Kat Swenski
Behind the GIFT - AC Stuart
Santa's Experiments - Kat Swenski
Hindsight - AC Stuart
Broken Wing - AC Stuart
That's Rough Buddy - Kat Swenski
Thief! Part 7 - Kat Swenski
Easy - AC Stuart
Carpe Diem - AC Stuart
Thief! Part 6 - Kat Swenski
Thief! Part 5 - Kat Swenski
Filler Arc - AC Stuart
Bumbo - AC Stuart
Thief! Part 4 - Kat Swenski
Thief! Part 3 - Kat Swenski
Woo - AC Stuart
Fartface - AC Stuart
Thief! Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Thief! Part 1 - Kat Swenski
Thanksgiving Special - AC Stuart
Guardian - AC Stuart
Ally The Lonely Alligator - Kat Swenski
Helpless Prisoners - Kat Swenski
Worry - AC Stuart
Laced - AC Stuart
The Chief - Kat Swenski
Guided Yoga - Kat Swenski
Scoring Points - AC Stuart
Reality - AC Stuart
Salesmanship - Kat Swenski
Roll for the Win - Kat Swenski
Take a Moment - AC Stuart
Showoff - AC Stuart
Ghost Pranks 2 - Kat Swenski
Spook! - Kat Swenski
Judas n Jesus Part 1 - AC Stuart
Hairy - AC Stuart
Cretaceous Park - Kat Swenski
The Freshest - Kat Swenski
Jessica - AC Stuart
Pillow Fight - AC Stuart
He's Helping! - Kat Swenski
Snekway - Kat Swenski
Artistic Pancakes - AC Stuart
Falling - AC Stuart
Melty Part 2 - Kat Swenski
Melty - Kat Swenski
Ortus Umbra - AC Stuart
Deep Breath - AC Stuart
Earth, Wind and Fire - Kat Swenski
Portal Beast - Kat Swenski
Budget Cuts - AC Stuart
People vs Dogs - AC Stuart
PM Me Your Heart <3 - Kat Swenski
Hair Lass - Kat Swenski
Slammo - AC Stuart
Sheep Hubris - Kat Swenski
Gilly and Friends - Kat Swenski
Invisible Elephant - AC Stuart
Pranked - AC Stuart
Canines of Culture - Kat Swenski
Spinspinspin - Kat Swenski
0100 - AC Stuart
Breathe - AC Stuart
So Humble - Kat Swenski
Out Drinking - Kat Swenski
Kidnapping - AC Stuart
Magic Mirror - AC Stuart
Iguana Curse - Kat Swenski
Watery Grave - Kat Swenski
Quiet Dignity - AC Stuart
Pringles - AC Stuart
Crabbing - Kat Swenski
Third Wheelin' - Kat Swenski
The Way Out - AC Stuart
Both - AC Stuart
Road Safety - Kat Swenski
Brotherhood of the Good Boys - Kat Swenski
Flubba Haboo - AC Stuart
AC Stuart - Pick up
Farm Work - Kat Swenski
Motherly Prospects - Kat Swenski
Puggle and Puggo - AC Stuart
Wait a Minute - AC Stuart
Dangerous Proposition - Kat Swenski
Informant - Kat Swenski
Someone - AC Stuart
Apollo - AC Stuart
Deer Puppeteer - Kat Swenski
Easter Egg Hunt - Kat Swenski
Craig 2 - AC Stuart
Craig - AC Stuart
Goodbye Forever - Kat Swenski
A Bone to Pick - Kat Swenski
An Apology - AC Stuart
Cherry Tomato - AC Stuart
A King and His Bird - Kat Swenski
Reconsideration - Kat Swenski
Dog Park - AC Stuart
Lifesaver - AC Stuart
An Excuse - Kat Swenski
Lonely Giant - Kat Swenski
Dog Stuff - AC Stuart
For Old Times - AC Stuart
Flamingo Girl - Kat Swenski
Mysteriousss Package - Kat Swenski
New Rootine - AC Stuart
Rood - AC Stuart
Raining Cats and Dogs Pt. 2 - Kat Swenski
Raining Cats and Dogs Pt. 1 - Kat Swenski
Hail Mary - AC Stuart
No Mo - AC Stuart
Impressionable - Kat Swenski
His Hero - Kat Swenski
HubbaWHAAA - AC Stuart
Contributing Member - AC Stuart
Owlie Pellets - Kat Swenski
Spayed - Kat Swenski
A Chance - AC Stuart
Secret Tunnel - AC Stuart
Bird Party - Kat Swenski
Dinner Party - Kat Swenski
Mister Soft Hands - AC Stuart
Happy Place - AC Stuart
Dinner Party - Kat Swenski
New Girlfriend - Kat Swenski
Absolutely Brutal - AC Stuart
Dungeons and Dogs 2 - AC Stuart
Checkmate - Kat Swenski
Jenkins - Kat Swenski
Problem Solved - AC Stuart
The Interview - AC Stuart
Hide and Seek - Kat Swenski
The Penguin King - AC Stuart
One Shot - AC Stuart
Key Guardian - Kat Swenski
Bubbles - Kat Swenski
Pizza - AC Stuart
Serenity - AC Stuart
Environmental Crisis - Kat Swenski
Carol - Kat Swenski
Understood - AC Stuart
Primate Poker - AC Stuart
Frog King - Kat Swenski
Treadmillin' It - Kat Swenski
Placid Orchid - AC Stuart
Oh Okay - AC Stuart
Pettable- Kat Swenski
Miss Squeakums - Kat Swenski
Helper Bot - AC Stuart
IG Mister Purrfect - AC Stuart
Dessert First - Kat Swenski
Methods of Communication - Kat Swenski
Threats of Violence - AC Stuart
Interesting - AC Stuart
Solving a Dispute - Kat Swenski
One of Those Days - Kat Swenski
Got Him - AC Stuart
Sleepy Pete - AC Stuart
Wheely Fast - Kat Swenski
Fake Mom - Kat Swenski
Unlikely Friends - AC Stuart
Like FIve Perecent - AC Stuart
Pizza Night - Kat Swenski
A Bit of Luck - Kat Swenski
An Honest Mistake - AC Stuart
Cud it out - AC Stuart
Rachel, My Love - Kat Swenski
Greener Grass - Kat Swenski
Kitten Prom - AC Stuart
Walter - AC Stuart
Hula Hoop - Kat Swenski
Morning After - Kat Swenski
A Jerk - AC Stuart
Eternal Battle - AC Stuart
Bug Party - Kat Swenski
Overkill - Kat Swenski
Vengeance - AC Stuart
Bird Pole - AC Stuart
Dog Bot - Kat Swenski
Lift Bot - Kat Swenski
Dude Keith - AC Stuart
Oops - AC Stuart
New Exhibit - Kat Swenski
Cattle Rustler - Kat Swenski
Jellybean - AC Stuart
The Juggler - AC Stuart
Great White Showdown - Kat Swenski
Puppy Express - Kat Swenski
Pigeons - AC Stuart
Another Way - AC Stuart
Debt - Kat Swenski
Sled Dog - Kat Swenski
Citizens Arrest - AC Stuart
The Builders - AC Stuart
Just Sleeping - Kat Swenski
Web of Lies - Kat Swenski
Good Day - AC Stuart
Protest - AC Stuart
Nap Time - Kat Swenski
Cheerleader Pranks - Kat Swenski
Buddy - AC Stuart
A Better Way - AC Stuart
The Druids Solution - Kat Swenski
Prison Escape - Kat Swenski
Dead Weight - AC Stuart
Put on a Happy Face - AC Stuart
Shadowbox - Kat Swenski
Snow - Kat Swenski
Harvey - AC Stuart
Drastic Measures - AC Stuart
The Wizard and Some Guy - Kat Swenski
The Cat Wizard's Shop - Kat Swenski
New Brother - AC Stuart
Slow as Sh - AC Stuart
Be a Goat - Kat Swenski
Cheater - Kat Swenski
Exhit - AC Stuart
Perfect Pathogen - AC Stuart
Bowling Skills - Kat Swenski
More Duckventures - Kat Swenski
Milos - AC Stuart
Nootered - AC Stuart
Workout - Kat Swenski
Sad Hedgehog - Kat Swenski
Three Years - AC Stuart
Hackerman - AC Stuart
Otter Beliefs - Kat Swenski
Snacktastrophe - Kat Swenski
These are Rules - AC Stuart
Something Fishy - AC Stuart
Couch Friends - Kat Swenski
Catsperiment - Kat Swenski
Intimacy is a lie - AC Stuart
Aim Low Die Alone - AC Stuart
Sandwich Man saves the Day - Kat Swenski
Agent Racc - Kat Swenski
Icebreaker - AC Stuart
Consequences - AC Stuart
Headsitter - Kat Swenski
Ghost Pranks - Kat Swenski
Derek - AC Stuart
Angel - AC Stuart
The Murdercopter Household - Kat Swenski
Hey Squirrelfriend - Kat Swenski
Murdercopter - AC Stuart
The Pit - AC Stuart
Cat Burglars - Kat Swenski
No Escape - Kat Swenski
Mature Response - AC Stuart
The Best Years of Your Life - AC Stuart
Needs - Kat Swenski
Equality - Kat Swenski
The-Volcano-God - AC Stuart
Salad - AC Stuart
Montys Mishap - Kat Swenski
Not Suitable For Owlets - Kat Swenski
Bee witch'd - AC Stuart
Attack on Kitten - AC Stuart
Pretty Suspicious - Kat Swenski
Office Deer - Kat Swenski
Buddy - AC Stuart
Judgement - AC Stuart
Some Alpacas - Kat Swenski
Lend a Talon - Kat Swenski
Grudge - AC Stuart
Bandaid - AC Stuart
Office Dog - Kat Swenski
Low Effort - Kat Swenski
Keyboard-Cat - AC Stuart
Delivery - AC Stuart
The War Wages On - Kat Swenski
Camel Problems- Kat Swenski
Hammertime - AC Stuart
Webster - AC Stuart
Magical Duckventures - Kat Swenski
Dunk! - Kat Swenski
A Shameful Display - AC Stuart
Older Brother - AC Stuart
Food Envy - Kat Swenski
Fishy Kisses - Kat Swenski
Bad-Dream - AC Stuart
A Guy and His Dog - AC Stuart
In a Hurry - Kat Swenski
Candy Peddler - Kat Swenski
Whoops - AC Stuart
Tactical Capture Cable - AC Stuart
Barry From Work - Kat Swenski
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures - Kat Swenski
A Whole New World - AC Stuart
The Method - AC Stuart
Occupied - Kat Swenski
Rise of Tigerman - Kat Swenski
Movie Night - AC Stuart
Close Call - AC Stuart
Low Blow - Kat Swenski
Learn to Dodge - Kat Swenski
Last Ditch Effort - AC Stuart
Meaningless - AC Stuart
Quiz Time! - Kat Swenski
Horse - Kat Swenski
A Different Approach - AC Stuart
Dogged-Pursuit - AC Stuart
The Wizard Meets a Small Bird - Kat Swenski
The Cat Wizard Returns - Kat Swenski
It's Not Easy - AC Stuart
None the Wiser - AC Stuart
Better Friends - Kat Swenski
Guardian - Kat Swenski
Start-Up - AC Stuart
A Man's Game - AC Stuart
Swooping In - Kat Swenski
Fishy Artifact - Kat Swenski
Hound of Dread - AC Stuart
Traffic Stop - AC Stuart
Relapse - Kat Swenski
Tots - Kat Swenski
Flaming Fury - AC Stuart
Floof Squad - AC Stuart
Widdle Puppster - Kat Swenski
Masters of Stealth - Kat Swenski
The Burden of Knowledge - AC Stuart
The Wizard of Mild Inconveniences - AC Stuart
Digging To Freedom - Kat Swenski
Sweet Ride - Kat Swenski
The Search for Truth - AC Stuart
Subtlety - AC Stuart
Adventures of Cooper the Half-Elf - Kat Swenski
Mr. Pajamapants - Kat Swenski
Bork Bork - AC Stuart
A New Addition - AC Stuart
Peacocking - Kat Swenski
Excuses - Kat Swenski
Keep Your Cool - AC Stuart
Make a Wish - AC Stuart
Move it! - Kat Swenski
Ex-Friends - Kat Swenski
Change of Heart - AC Stuart
Anxiety Goblin - AC Stuart
Tubing - Kat Swenski
Just Desserts - Kat Swenski
A Generally Grievous Oversight - AC Stuart
Grin and Bear It - AC Stuart
Robo-Mom - Kat Swenski
Box Pusher - Kat Swenski
Blind Date - AC Stuart
A Day at Dog Inc - AC Stuart
Mistakes were made - Kat Swenski
Science Fair - Kat Swenski
The Perfect Plan - AC Stuart
Ask Chad - AC Stuart
Please make it stop - Kat Swenski
Rock Cops - Kat Swenski
Trapped - AC Stuart
Man's Best Friendzone - AC Stuart
Serengeti Uber - Kat Swenski
Dog Knight - Kat Swenski
The Lake Beast - AC Stuart
The Jig Is Up! (Part 3) - AC Stuart
The Jig Is Up! (Part 2) - Kat Swenski
The Jig Is Up! - Kat Swenski
A Pattern of Deception - AC Stuart
New Beginnings - AC Stuart
In The Line of Duty - Kat Swenski
A Dawning Realization - Kat Swenski
Beauty and the Actually Im Not Sure What That Is - AC Stuart
Butterfingers - AC Stuart
Clean Hands - Kat Swenski
Birthday Dog - Kat Swenski
SON - AC Stuart
PG-13 At Least - AC Stuart
Never Suspect - Kat Swenski
CruelMart - Kat Swenski
Sally - AC Stuart
Spooky Nothing - AC Stuart
Rescue Mission- Kat Swenski
Her Horrible Secret - Kat Swenski
One Mouthful - AC Stuart
Top Secret Dog Plans - AC Stuart
Turn It Around - Kat Swenski
Problem Customer - Kat Swenski
Meow Meowwwww - AC Stuart
Meow Meow - Andy Stuart
Archrivals - Kat Swenski
Ahead of the Game - Kat Swenski
Dinoman - AC Stuart
The Best Part of the Day - AC Stuart
The Perfect Relationship - Kat Swenski
Dweebfish - Kat Swenski
The Rhythm - AC Stuart
Cat-thartic Moment - AC Stuart
Mistress of Darkness - Kat Swenksi
Puppysitting - Kat Swenski
Pizza Time - AC Stuart
Brunos replacement - AC Stuart
The Package - Kat Swenski
Envy's Curse - Kat Swenski
T.E.D. - AC Stuart
Cheecko Quest - AC Stuart
The Struggle Continues - Kat Swenski
Fanbirds - Kat Swenski
The Cave - AC Stuart
Alone Time - AC Stuart
Exclusive Event - Kat Swenski
Butt of the Joke - Kat Swenski
Spot On - AC Stuart
Smoke Form - AC Stuart
Bobblehead Bungle - Kat Swenski
Duck Duck Pooch - Kat Swenski
Danny and Pete - AC Stuart
Heinrich Moves Forward - AC Stuart
Kittybot - Kat Swenski
Baby Old Year - Kat Swenski
The Red Petting - AC Stuart
An Exchange of Conflagrations - AC Stuart
Hope and Disbear - Kat Swenski
Bird God Blessing - Kat Swenski
Perfect Technique - AC Stuart
Live Free or Die - AC Stuart
Bud Saves Christmas - Kat Swenski
Field Training - Kat Swenski
Aw, Nuts - Andy Stuart
McLeerys Mission - Andy Stuart
Building an Army - Kat Swenski
Saddled With Stupidity - Kat Swenski
Rite of Passge - Andy Stuart
A Heartless Killer - Andy Stuart
Cool Cat - Kat Swenski
Helping Hand - Kat Swenski
A Message of Peace- Andy Stuart
A Beautiful Mind - Andy Stuart
Record Breaker - Kat Swenski
Drinking Problems - Kat Swenski
These Long Years - Andy Stuart
The Proper Method - Andy Stuart
Billy and Chips - Kat Swenski
Disguises - Kat Swenski
His Majesty - Andy Stuart
The Orb of Power - Andy Stuart
Obstacle Course - Kat Swenski
Anotter Man - Kat Swenski
Additional Security Measures - Andy Stuart
He Mains Winston - Andy Stuart (Updated)
Nosescape - Kat Swenski
Dining Out - Kat Swenski
Tremendous Force - Andy Stuart
The Feeder Plot - Andy Stuart
Forming an Alliance - Kat Swenski
The Interrogation - Kat Swenski
Spy - Andy Stuart
The Hour of Heinrich - Andy Stuart
Puppidemic - Kat Swenski
Two Felines and a Mage - Kat Swenski
Sword Princess - Andy Stuart
Irreconcilable Differences - Andy Stuart
War Face - Kat Swenski
Cat's Revenge - Kat Swenski
Fed up - Andy Stuart
The Ball - Andy Stuart
The Oak Tree's Wish - Kat Swenski
An Unconventional Hero - Kat Swenski
Tito the Turtle’s Tragic Tale - Andy Stuart
Affliction - Andy Stuart
Ollie the Earthworm - Kat Swenski
The Three Horse Sisters - Kat Swenski
Battle Plans - Andy Stuart
Puppers - Andy Stuart
More Chicken Drama - Kat Swenski
Chicken Drama - Kat Swenski
Time Travel 2 - Andy Stuart
The Trouble with Time Travel - Andy Stuart
Unwanted Passenger - Kat Swenski
Dragon Child - Kat Swenski
Grisworld - Andy Stuart
Bobby's Good Day - Andy Stuart
Territorial Dissspute - Kat Swenski
Dr. Deerson - Kat Swenski
The Sorcerer and Another Cat - Andy Stuart
Recovery - Andy Stuart
The Tabby and the Sorcerer - Kat Swenski
Sheep Dog - Kat Swenski
Spooky - Andy Stuart
Final Battle - Andy Stuart
The Prestige - Kat Swenski
Bug Bullies - Kat Swenski
Pep Talk - Andy Stuart
Betrayal - Andy Stuart
Frog Crush - Kat Swenski
First Flight - Kat Swenski
The Cutest Boy - Andy Stuart
The Wish - Andy Stuart
Dance Partner - Kat Swenski
Lifeguard Dog - Kat Swenski
Assassin - Andy Stuart
Cat Bot(tm) - Andy Stuart
Bimpy - Kat Swenski
A Lesson In Food - Kat Swenski
The Hacker - Andy Stuart
My Best friend - Andy Stuart
Bird Scouts - Kat Swenski
Beluga, I Choose You! - Kat Swenski
The Feast - Andy Stuart
The Suitor - Andy Stuart
Ski Lessons - Kat Swenski
Beach Fun - Kat Swenski
Reconciliation - Andy Stuart
The Joy Ride - Andy Stuart
Boots of War - Kat Swenski
Door-to-Door Survey - Kat Swenski
The Natural Order - Andy Stuart
No Witnesses - Andy Stuart
Infomercial - Kat Swenski
Roxy's Litter - Kat Swenski
The Wheel - AC Stuart
Dungeons and Dogs - AC Stuart
Living with Satan - Kat Swenski
Mechanimals - Kat Swenski
Chompy - AC Stuart
The Sacrifice - ACStuart
Mother Nature - Kat Swenski
The Cat and the Wizard - Kat Swenski
What a Mantis - Andy Stuart
Leftovers - ACStuart
Man's Best Friend - Kat Swenski
Clumsy Carl - Kat Swenski
Dichotomy - ACStuart
The Janitor - ACStuart
Bread Overdose - Kat Swenski
Cain and Abel - Kat Swenski
Awakening - ACStuart
Cornered - ACStuart
X-Hounds - Kat Swenski
Iguana Rage - Kat Swenski
Cats Rule - ACStuart
You're a... - ACStuart
Cat Puns - Kat Swenski
The Tinkerer - Kat Swenski
How to be Chill - ACStuart
Foxtalk - ACStuart
Phone Fun - Kat Swenski
Husbandry - Kat Swenski
Dead inside - ACStuart
Mercenary - ACStuart
Squirrel Problems - Kat Swenski
Chips to the Rescue - Kat Swenski
Doomsday Detonator - ACStuart
Noble Dog - ACStuart
Never Give Up - Kat Swenski
King Felidae - Kat Swenski
Catwrestling - ACStuart
Under the Influence - ACStuart
Karen, No - Kat Swenski
Die Another Day - Kat Swenski
Love Yourself - AC Stuart
Lava Jump - AC Stuart
While exploring the dusty catacombs of a Pharaoh's tomb, intrepid explorers AC Stuart and Kat Swenski discovered an ancient relic that imbued them with the power to see the story behind any animated GIF. In a separate incident, they were bitten by a radioactive cartoonist. They now use their combined powers to explore the truth Behind the GIF.
AC Stuart started his career as a cartoonist by explaining GIFs, and no matter how hard he tries, he cannot escape them. He was born on the summer solstice and is destined to kill Kat Swenski.