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My Super Eldritch High School Melee Festival
In just a few days, the Eldritch Meleé Festival at Cambia High School will begin. Fighters of the Four Houses will test their skill in the martial and metaphysical arts. Leyla and her BFF Tama want to spend the day like normal school girls for a change, but Leyla finds two suspicious love letters in her locker...
787,877 53,771 StarScore 9.41 RATE
Ep. 27 - The Crowning of the Mad King
Ep. 26 - Rising from the Gutter
Ep. 25 - Mayhem at the Beach
Ep. 24 - Fun at the Beach
Ep. 23 - Moon and Abyss
Ep. 22 - Leyla Vs. Darius Pt. 2
Ep. 21 - Catching Breath
Ep. 20 - Leyla Vs. Darius Pt. 1
Ep. 19 - Claw and Water Pt. 2
Ep. 18 - The Semi Finals
Ep. 17 - Claw and Water
Ep. 16 - E.S.P.
Ep. 15 - Wave and Cloud
Ep. 14 - Dog Days Pt. 3
Ep. 13 - Dog Days Pt. 2
Ep. 12 - Dog Days Pt. 1
Ep. 11 - Let Slip the Dogs of War
Ep. 10 - Buhurt Pt. 3
Ep. 9 - Buhurt Pt. 2
Ep. 8 - Buhurt Pt. 1
Ep. 7 - The Trial of the Pillar
Ep. 6 - Preliminary Prep
Ep. 5 - Extracurricular Activity
Ep. 4 - Euklid Level Entity
Ep. 3 - The Grand Opening Parade
Ep. 2 - Eldritch Love Triangle
Ep. 1 - A Normal Day at a Normal School
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
In just a few days, the Eldritch Meleé Festival at Cambia High School will begin. Fighters of the Four Houses will test their skill in the martial and metaphysical arts. Leyla and her BFF Tama want to spend the day like normal school girls for a change, but Leyla finds two suspicious love letters in her locker...
Hi, I am Hannes Radke and live in Hildesheim, Germany. Since my graduation in Design I work on different Projects in the sphere of Comics and Games, but I still dream of becoming a radioactive supervillain.