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In the corrupt city of Sin-si, Zeha suddenly wakes up in a hospital, unable to recall anything that happened after speaking with a mysterious man one night. He soon learns that strange beings called beom are wreaking havoc on the city. As destiny brings seven boys together, will they succeed in ending this fight, once and for all? Let the hunting begin!
34.6M 1.6M StarScore 9.85 RATE
Episode 15
Episode 14
Episode 13
Episode 12
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
In the corrupt city of Sin-si, Zeha suddenly wakes up in a hospital, unable to recall anything that happened after speaking with a mysterious man one night. He soon learns that strange beings called beom are wreaking havoc on the city. As destiny brings seven boys together, will they succeed in ending this fight, once and for all? Let the hunting begin!