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Game Master
"Gamemaster," a high school streamer, dedicated his life to beating the supposedly unbeatable game "Hero's Destiny." Finally succeeding after ten years, the realization that he's wasted his life is short-lived, as the game asks him to keep playing—only for him to wake up inside the game after he agrees, in the body of Callix Szcecin, the meek young son of a count. Together with Lyla, the maid and assassin hired by his stepmother who failed to kill him, Russel, the loyal knight, and Kraut, a young knight with much potential, Callix must survive the game again, in person.
489,016 63,018 StarScore 9.01 RATE
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Episode 8
Episode 7
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Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
This series is rated Teen. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
"Gamemaster," a high school streamer, dedicated his life to beating the supposedly unbeatable game "Hero's Destiny." Finally succeeding after ten years, the realization that he's wasted his life is short-lived, as the game asks him to keep playing—only for him to wake up inside the game after he agrees, in the body of Callix Szcecin, the meek young son of a count. Together with Lyla, the maid and assassin hired by his stepmother who failed to kill him, Russel, the loyal knight, and Kraut, a young knight with much potential, Callix must survive the game again, in person.
I'm Akaogi seki. I really enjoyed working on this series because it was filled with unique and attractive characters. I'll do my best so the artwork can deliver my emotions and intent to the readers! Hope you enjoy.