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Little Lady Mint
For little Mint, every day is hell at the Merigold orphanage. One day, Master Yulius, the Grand Duke of Elkedonia, offers to take her in as the little lady of Elkedonia! However, Mint is extremely shy and nervous, and such a huge transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Join Mint as she grows from a meek girl to a daring, outspoken lady while magical and religious tensions unfold!
10.6M 207,679 StarScore 8.06 RATE
This series is rated Mature
Episode 10
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
This series is rated Mature. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
For little Mint, every day is hell at the Merigold orphanage. One day, Master Yulius, the Grand Duke of Elkedonia, offers to take her in as the little lady of Elkedonia! However, Mint is extremely shy and nervous, and such a huge transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Join Mint as she grows from a meek girl to a daring, outspoken lady while magical and religious tensions unfold!
Hello, I am GALPI, the artist of "Little Lady Mint." I've worked hard on this series with so many great people, so it feels amazing to share it with more readers. Thank you and hope you enjoy reading it!! :D