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On the Way to Meet Mom
One day, after being discovered in an abandoned house by a rescue team, Mori suddenly finds himself in a children's protection center. Here, he begins to learn a new way of life – one that includes grand care packages sent by a mysterious patron. But when his closest friend is reunited with her mother and leaves the center, Mori learns for the first time the existence of a mother for every child, and decides to embark on a journey to find his own. But what sort of obstacles wait along the way?
393,652 80,069 StarScore 9.92 RATE
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
One day, after being discovered in an abandoned house by a rescue team, Mori suddenly finds himself in a children's protection center. Here, he begins to learn a new way of life – one that includes grand care packages sent by a mysterious patron. But when his closest friend is reunited with her mother and leaves the center, Mori learns for the first time the existence of a mother for every child, and decides to embark on a journey to find his own. But what sort of obstacles wait along the way?
Nice to meet you. I'm GOMYANG. Thank you for always enjoying my comics. Stay safe.
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