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The dragons have fled and the mages are nowhere to be found, taking with them all forms of magic that once permeated the kingdom. Born blind, Ayşe strives to find her place in a world she perceives very differently than those around her, a world in fear after a violent uprising. As she sets out to master the illegal art of weaving spells, will she unravel the truth about kingdoms, mages, and dragons?
4.7M 179,757 StarScore 9.71 RATE
Ep. 60 - Royal Descent
Ep. 59 - To Lure An Accomplice
Ep. 58 - Strategic Ebb
Ep. 57 - Capricious Allies
Ep. 56 - As The Wheels Turn
Ep. 55 - Reverberation
Ep. 54 - Sombre Reunion
Ep. 53 - A Flexible Narrative
Ep. 52 - Highs & Lows
Ep. 51 - Headwinds
Ep. 50 - Ardent Choices
Ep. 49 - Portent
Ep. 48 - Ancient Torrent
Ep. 47 - Scrutiny's Gaze
Ep. 46 - Facets of Guidance
Ep. 45 - Steeped Knowledge
Ep. 44 - Between Kin
Ep. 43 - Matron's Gaze Below
Ep. 42 - Intangible Reflection
Ep. 41 - Pensive Negotiations
Ep. 40 - Tears of Ember
Ep. 39 - Reunion
Ep. 38 - A Touch More Scrutiny
Ep. 37 - An Old Friend
Ep. 36 - Game Of Remembrance
Ep. 35 - Blunt Repercussions
Ep. 34 - Tension & Release
Ep. 33 - Deep Water
Ep. 32 - Into A Den
Ep. 31 - Looking Glass
Ep. 30 - Tending The Garden
Ep. 29 - Severed Ties
Ep. 28 - Ultimatum
Ep. 27 - Touching Base
Ep. 26 - Abrupt Terminus
Ep. 25 - Chasing Sol
Ep. 24 - Firestarter
Ep. 23 - Pursuit Of A Path
Ep. 22 - A Thread Let Loose
Ep. 21 - Pallid Labyrinth Part II
Ep. 20 - Pallid Labyrinth Part I
Ep. 19 - Crash Course
Ep. 18 - Closet Of Skeletons
Ep. 17 - A Thread Of Honesty
Ep. 16 - Ambient Reflection
Ep. 15 - A Bird In The Hand
Ep. 14 - A Matter Of Convenience
Ep. 13 - Touch-And-Go
Ep. 12 - Virtuous Vices
Ep. 11 - The Cat's Cradle
Ep. 10 - A Matter Of Vigor
Ep. 9 - The King Escapes
Ep. 8 - Foreign Elevation
Ep. 7 - Empyrean
Ep. 6 - Need To Know Basis
Ep. 5 - Primal Lesson
Ep. 4 - First Impressions
Ep. 3 - Curiouser and Curiouser
Ep. 2 - A Day In The Life
Ep. 1 - Prologue
The dragons have fled and the mages are nowhere to be found, taking with them all forms of magic that once permeated the kingdom. Born blind, Ayşe strives to find her place in a world she perceives very differently than those around her, a world in fear after a violent uprising. As she sets out to master the illegal art of weaving spells, will she unravel the truth about kingdoms, mages, and dragons?
Lark & Wren are two small birds seizing the Written Word to create big stories! They’ve brute forced their way into comics the same way they brute forced their way into the bread aisle at their local supermarket. The only difference is that comics have yet to remove them via pest control measures.