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The Snake and the Flower
Long ago, an emperor suddenly decided to execute the members of his court. Only after being offered a girl named Aehwa, did the emperor’s rampage stop. The emperor cherishes his “flower” dearly. When Aehwa expresses an interest in music, the Emperor makes Harang Kang her personal court musician. However, the emperor decreed that only he can lay eyes on Aehwa and has Harang’s eyes destroyed. After finding out the true cause of his father’s death, Harang swears revenge on both Aehwa and the Emperor. In this twisted realm of snakes and flowers, who will prevail?
7.8M 252,232 StarScore 9.49 RATE
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1 BGM
Episode 0 - Prologue
Long ago, an emperor suddenly decided to execute the members of his court. Only after being offered a girl named Aehwa, did the emperor’s rampage stop. The emperor cherishes his “flower” dearly. When Aehwa expresses an interest in music, the Emperor makes Harang Kang her personal court musician. However, the emperor decreed that only he can lay eyes on Aehwa and has Harang’s eyes destroyed. After finding out the true cause of his father’s death, Harang swears revenge on both Aehwa and the Emperor. In this twisted realm of snakes and flowers, who will prevail?
Hi, everyone. I’m a Korean comic creator named Na-eum So! I’m so happy and blown away by the fact that international fans will be reading my comic. I’ll be sure to introduce more entertaining comics in the future! Thank you. :)