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Dr. Frost
College professor by day, and bartender by night, psychologist Dr. Frost believes in one simple belief. Humans are all the same. He uses this tenet to guide his practice, and solves the puzzles of the human mind one by one.
43.2M 419,326 StarScore 9.80 RATE
Ep. 9 - The Empty Man (9)
Ep. 8 - The Empty Man (8)
Ep. 7 - The Empty Man (7)
Ep. 6 - The Empty Man (6)
Ep. 5 - The Empty Man (5)
Ep. 4 - The Empty Man (4)
Ep. 3 - The Empty Man (3)
Ep. 2 - The Empty Man (2)
Ep. 1 - The Empty Man (1)
Ep. 0 - Prologue
College professor by day, and bartender by night, psychologist Dr. Frost believes in one simple belief. Humans are all the same. He uses this tenet to guide his practice, and solves the puzzles of the human mind one by one.
I’m well-known as a WEBTOON artist, but I’m actually a gamer. I studied psychology and have been working on Dr. Frost for ten years. I used to be a musician, and I really hope that my next series will be about music.