[Event] Christmas Event Winner Announcement
Hello, This is LINE Webtoon.
Thank you for your participation in Christmas Event, held on Facebook!
There were many participants, and the winners were picked randomly.
First Winner
Jo*y May*n
Second Winners
Az*a A*ul
Em*ly Ta
A*umi M*apag*l
Third Winners
Ia*a I*abe*le E*ghog
M*ri*nne Q. Rab*ng
Sa*y Ro*as
Ya*i Shar*ff
An*y Rom*ro Gar*ia
For the event winners, please send the following information through Facebook Messenger.
- Name :
- Mobile number :
- Country :
- Home Address :
Once again, thank you for your participation and hope everyone enjoys LINE Webtoon even more!
Please keep on eye on the notice page for the next event!
Thank you
LINE Webtoon team