Regarding the Auto-blind on the Discover Platform


To our readers and creators:


It has come to our attention that there has been a rash of takedown reports against LGBTQ content and creators on our Discover platform. When enough of these reports come in, our system will automatically block content from showing until someone at Webtoon has a chance to review the content and the complaint. This protection is designed to eliminate hate speech, pornography, copyright infringement, and other content that violates our terms of service. It is in no way meant to enable anyone from discriminating against any person or group. Webtoon is an inclusive environment and proud to be so. 


We apologize for any stress and confusion this has caused to any of the creators publishing on Discover and to the fans who come here for their content. Any affected series are either back online or will be shortly and we will be diligently investigating any further misuse of this feature.​