Changes to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


We are updating our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on June 18, 2019.​

Here are the major upcoming changes.



Change of "expiration date of Free Coins"


We are revising our Terms of Use in accordance with the upcoming provision of partial paid features on WEBTOON.

The new terms include your rights and restrictions, should you choose to make use of the new features.

These additions to the service are not mandatory, and will not affect your use of the WEBTOON website or apps.

- Free Coins expire after a certain period of time (not "30 days")

Please see below for more details.


"Company may from time to time offer promotional Coins that you do not pay for, including any Coins we offer you in connection with your download and/or purchase of the WEBTOON App or other products, your use of the Service, or any other promotional activity ("Free Coins"). Free Coins may expire after a certain period of time, which Company shall designate from time to time. When you use Coins to redeem content, any Free Coins you have in your account will be applied first, followed by your purchased Coins."


Also, we made some minor wording changes that do not affect your rights.


These changes will be effective on June 18, 2019.​

You can read the fully updated ​​Terms of Use and Privacy Policy after this date.  ​