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Blades of Furry
Emile is an up-and-coming skater in the beloved sport of Skate Battles, a high-stakes combo of figure skating and martial arts. Radu is a well-known senior skater and several time champ with the world at his feet. However, during an ill-fated match between the two, Emile discovers Radu's secret, which could threaten to destroy him. Will Emile keep his secret? Or could this rivalry turn into something more...?
44.2M 530,255 StarScore 9.51 RATE
Ep. 85 - Podium (Season Finale)
Ep. 84 - The Rematch
Ep. 83 - What do WE do
Ep. 82 - This is it.
Ep. 81 - Breaking News from... a Pond?
Ep. 80 - This is Dire
Ep. 79 - Ask me Anything
Ep. 78 - Juicy Developments
Ep. 77 - Making Statements
Ep. 76 - Aftermaths
Ep. 75 - Up to You
Ep. 74 - Hate me
Ep. 73 - Lights, Camera, Action!
Ep. 72 - What a Mess...
Ep. 71 - You Shouldn't be Here
Ep. 70 - Radu vs. Sue
Ep. 69 - Coward
Ep. 68 - He Froze
Ep. 67 - The Pleasure is all mine
Ep. 66 - ...Who Won?
Ep. 65 - Emile vs Hana
Ep. 64 - Can't Wait
Ep. 63 - Press Conference
Ep. 62 - Whatever Comes After Skating
Ep. 61 - Date!
Ep. 60 - Series 5
Ep. 59 - See you
Ep. 58 - Kitsu Showdown!!
Ep. 57 - Emile vs Cameron
Ep. 55 - (in FurCC HELL)
Ep. 54 - A Delivery
Ep. 53 - I know This Song
Ep. 52 - Hana's Arm
Ep. 51 - Emile vs Brenda
Ep. 50 - Never go Easy
Ep. 49 - Crush
Ep. 48 - Mimi's Interview
Ep. 47 - The "Dating" Part
Ep. 46 - Skater Dinner
Ep. 45 - Narratives
Ep. 44 - Breakfast
Ep. 43 - Mimi vs Nessa
Ep. 42 - Made of Glass
Ep. 41 - 30%
Ep. 40 - Ear Wiggles
Ep. 39 - No
Ep. 38 - Nightmare
Ep. 37 - Little Boyfriend
Ep. 36 - Microwave
Ep. 35 - Emile vs Tipo
Ep. 34 - Antlers
Ep. 33 - Backflip
Ep. 32 - Radu vs Missy
Ep. 31 - Popsicles for Dinner
Ep. 30 - Blankets
Ep. 29 - Worries
Ep. 28 - Cute Nails
Ep. 27 - Two can Play
Ep. 26 - Pretty Great
Ep. 25 - Hana's Boyfriend
Ep. 24 - The Kitsu School
Ep. 23 - Radu vs Prima
Ep. 22 - Emile vs Chanel
Ep. 21 - Coward
Ep. 20 - Nothing to Hide
Ep. 19 - Scandal
Ep. 18 - Beautiful
Ep. 17 - Emile vs Mikaela Part II
Ep. 16 - Emile vs Mikaela
Ep. 15 - Radu vs Spice
Ep. 14 - Apology
Ep. 13 - Emile vs Kim
Ep. 12 - Research
Ep. 11 - Empty Rink
Ep. 10 - Out of Hand
Ep. 9 - Medium Rare
Ep. 8 - Nothing to Worry About
Ep. 7 - Think Fast
Ep. 6 - Juicebox
Ep. 5 - Tiny Rival
Ep. 4 - Sleepless
Ep. 3 - All I Have
Ep. 2 - Radu vs Emile
Ep. 1 - Last Minute Matchup
Emile is an up-and-coming skater in the beloved sport of Skate Battles, a high-stakes combo of figure skating and martial arts. Radu is a well-known senior skater and several time champ with the world at his feet. However, during an ill-fated match between the two, Emile discovers Radu's secret, which could threaten to destroy him. Will Emile keep his secret? Or could this rivalry turn into something more...?
Hi I'm Deya, I fractured my skull at the tender age of 2 years old and now we're here.
Hi! I’m Emily, me and my wife draw comics together and have a dog daughter.