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My Little Bookstore
Do you have a dream you’ve given up on? Was it because you hit a wall? Was it because you’ve come to terms with reality? Or have you never given up? Fresh out of university, Jua starts freelancing for a tv show as a newbie writer. After her first tv show gets canned, she finds a strange bookstore and is reminded of her dream as a writer. Will she resume pursuing her dream? Or is her dream too far-fetched…
5.2M 167,333 StarScore 9.62 RATE
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
This series is rated Teen. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
Do you have a dream you’ve given up on? Was it because you hit a wall? Was it because you’ve come to terms with reality? Or have you never given up? Fresh out of university, Jua starts freelancing for a tv show as a newbie writer. After her first tv show gets canned, she finds a strange bookstore and is reminded of her dream as a writer. Will she resume pursuing her dream? Or is her dream too far-fetched…