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Of Dark Lords and Cabbages
All Gendry wants is to become Dark King and reclaim the Dark Throne, but as a ward of the Light Kingdom, most people hate his guts and wish to stop him. Except of course, Seyren... Dragon Hero, Protector of the Innocent, and Gendry's incredibly love-struck secret boyfriend.
23.4M 502,280 StarScore 9.48 RATE
Ep. 75 - Now They're In Trouble For Sure BGM
Ep 74 - Dear Seyren
Ep. 73 - Flower Power
Ep. 72 - So What?
Ep. 71 - Scream, Screech, Shout
Ep. 70 - So Many Things
Ep. 69 - Uh Oh
Ep. 68 - Exam Butteflies, Love Butterflies, Suspicious Butterflies
Ep. 67 - Slime Boi Genpai
Ep. 66 - Best BFF's Forever & Ever
Ep. 65 - I'm Flying Without Wings
Ep. 64 - Under The Sey
Ep. 62 - He's Got A Guajillo-t of Explaining To Do
Ep. 61 - Crain Longhao
Ep. 60 - See you at Faerie Fyre Festival 202X!
Ep. 59 - The Principles of Etiquette
Ep. 58 - BOOM!!!!
Ep. 57 - Falling For You, Floating For You BGM
Ep. 56 - They're Away With The Faeries!!!
Ep. 55 - He Blew It (Up)
Ep. 54 - The Great Jello-Hands Epidemic of 20xx
Ep. 53 - My Waifu Is Better Than Your Waifu!
Ep. 52 - Like Mother, Like Son
Ep. 51 - Mission Impos-Sey-ble
Ep. 50 - Fight Fo Yo Mans!!
Ep. 48 - Traitor (But I'm also happy for you I guess)
Ep. 47 - Dragon Form, Activate!!!
Ep. 46 - Ken-Ken the Nice Smelling
Ep. 45 - This is the episode where Seyren and Gendry first meet, are you guys happy now! :P
Ep. 44 - He Really Put His Butt There
Ep. 43 - Mother Ples
Ep. 42 - Spill the Tea, Sis
Ep. 41 - I Love Mornings~!
Ep. 39 - Mom, Dad, How was I Made??
Ep. 38 - The Rock Guy Made Me Do It!
Ep. 37 - Wouldn't Change A Thing!
Ep. 36 - Blehhhhh
Ep. 35 - The Older One's Actually Super Cute?
Ep. 34 - You're Yesterday's News! (Mid-Season Premiere)
Ep. 33 - Wow! Ooh lala~~ (Mid-Season Finale)
Ep. 32 - Two Really Close Friends
Ep. 31 - Hopefully He Wore Decent Underwear
Ep. 30 - What a view~
Ep. 29 - Light of My Life
Ep. 28 - he dun goofed
Ep. 27 - Just Squawk Away From Me!
Ep. 26 - Finally Holding Hands But Not Really?!!
Ep. 25 - Dragon X Fly
Ep. 24 - I'm Dragon you with me!
Ep. 23 - Stalling For Time
Ep. 22 - Burn, Baby, Burn!
Ep. 21 - You Look Fine To Me
Ep. 20 - Why So Cold, Dark Prince?
Ep. 19 - Unicorn't You See We're Busy?!
Ep. 18 - Just Waves Him Away
Ep. 17 - Mommy and Daddy
Ep. 16 - Are you my Dark Lord?
Ep. 15 - Sexy Summer Aliens
Ep. 14 - Are You Ready, Kids?!
Ep. 12 - Gen-Gen-Popularity-Plan-Plan
Ep. 11 - Our Son
Ep. 10 - Monster & Monstrosity
Ep. 9 - That Means We're the Good Guys!
Ep. 8 - Death and Decay
Ep. 7 - What The Hay Did You Say
Ep. 6 - B(r)otherly Love
Ep. 5 - He's Toast
Ep. 4 - Falling For The Hero
Ep. 3 - Dork Lord & Hero
Ep. 2 - A Dark Lord's Desires (Part 2)
Ep. 1 - A Dark Lord's Desires (Part 1)
All Gendry wants is to become Dark King and reclaim the Dark Throne, but as a ward of the Light Kingdom, most people hate his guts and wish to stop him. Except of course, Seyren... Dragon Hero, Protector of the Innocent, and Gendry's incredibly love-struck secret boyfriend.