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Romance 101
Bareum’s planner might be full, but one thing she desperately needs in her diary is a date. When she is lured into joining a programming club by her friend’s hot coworker, it looks like there might be hope for her. But will her inexperience lead to her downfall? And why does she keep running into his bad-tempered friend instead?
83.1M 892,818 StarScore 9.86 RATE
Episode 12
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Bareum’s planner might be full, but one thing she desperately needs in her diary is a date. When she is lured into joining a programming club by her friend’s hot coworker, it looks like there might be hope for her. But will her inexperience lead to her downfall? And why does she keep running into his bad-tempered friend instead?
I'm Namsoo, a Korean cartoonist who loves romantic comedy! My efforts are all for the readers, whether they already know me or not, to enjoy my series and be happy. Hope you have fun. Love you all!