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There Must Be Happy Endings
The day Yeonu’s contract marriage came to an end was also the day that she witnessed her soon-to-be ex-husband, Seonjae, die right in front of her eyes. But when a twist of fate has her travel 100 days back in time before the tragic accident, she decides to do everything she can to stop the accident from happening. With a second chance to make things right, Yeonu is determined to make sure that, this time around, they get their happy ending.
66.5M 845,473 StarScore 9.64 RATE
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4 BGM
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
The day Yeonu’s contract marriage came to an end was also the day that she witnessed her soon-to-be ex-husband, Seonjae, die right in front of her eyes. But when a twist of fate has her travel 100 days back in time before the tragic accident, she decides to do everything she can to stop the accident from happening. With a second chance to make things right, Yeonu is determined to make sure that, this time around, they get their happy ending.
Hi, I’m a comic creator who loves K-pop. I’m so happy to meet my new international readers. Please enjoy the series!
I'm an absolute hopeless romantic who truly believes that love can save the world. Let's all love one another.♥