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Immortal Nerd
Nokia is a young adult, living on a space station New Rauma. Nokia has just gotten their immortality and the best use they can come up with it is to browse the old internet all day long without eating or sleeping and not having to worry about dying of hunger. After three weeks of old internet Nokia's parents decide they've had enough.
3M 30,472 StarScore 7.88 RATE
Ep. 106
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Ep. 104
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Extra Announcement
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Anniversary Extra no.2
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Anniversary Extra no.1
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End of Summer Extra
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Immortal Beard
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Extra for Immortal Nerd
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Ep. 1
Nokia is a young adult, living on a space station New Rauma. Nokia has just gotten their immortality and the best use they can come up with it is to browse the old internet all day long without eating or sleeping and not having to worry about dying of hunger. After three weeks of old internet Nokia's parents decide they've had enough.
Hanna-Pirita was born in a tiny village in Finnish countryside. The population of the village was only 150 people and because most of them were elderly people, all Hanna-Pirita was able to do was to draw comics. It was a lucky coincidence that she got to love comics and she is still making them!