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The Purple Heart
When Brooklyn separated from New York City, it caused havoc on a massive scale. Now, one year later, a mysterious purple figure engulfed in flames has appeared. Who is the Purple Heart and what does his arrival mean for the future of Brooklyn?
1M 37,587 StarScore 9.00 RATE
Ch. 26 (Series Finale)
Ch. 25
Ch. 24
Ch. 23
Ch. 22
Ch. 21
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Ch. 2
Ch. 1
When Brooklyn separated from New York City, it caused havoc on a massive scale. Now, one year later, a mysterious purple figure engulfed in flames has appeared. Who is the Purple Heart and what does his arrival mean for the future of Brooklyn?
Vito Delsante is a comic book writer and the co-creator of Stray. He’s written for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Image Comics and Simon & Schuster, including stories for Batman, X-men, and Scooby Doo. He lives in Pittsburgh with his wife, Michelle, his daughter, Sadie, his son, James and his dog, Kirby.